Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through Alternative Landuses in Rainforests of the Tropics

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai


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Further information

University Of Göttingen

Gottingen UniversityThe team of Edzo Veldkamp at the Büsgen Institute, Section Soil Science of Tropical Ecosystems at the University of Göttingen (UGOE) conducts research on the effects of ‘global change’ processes, including land use changes, changes in temperature and rainfall, and increased N deposition on natural and managed (forest and agricultural) ecosystems in the tropics. Their projects focus on the effects of human influences on (soil) carbon and nitrogen stocks and cycles. Methods used in their research involve the use of stable isotopes and radioactive isotopes at natural levels. They combine this with measurement of trace gas fluxes using gas chromatographs and chemiluminescence techniques, measurements of biological, physical, chemical and biological indicators of C and N cycling and modelling techniques. In many of their research projects they intensively collaborate with scientists of other disciplines (economists, ecologists, and social scientists).

Within REDD-ALERT, UGOE will contribute to the measurement of carbon in biomass and soil, and of GHG fluxes in tropical forest margin areas, and will also provide integrative input into the modelling work.

Visit the website of the Büsgen Institute, Section Soil Science of Tropical Ecosystems at the University of Göttingen