Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through Alternative Landuses in Rainforests of the Tropics

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai


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Further information

Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria

INIAInstituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria (INIA) is Peru's National Institution of Agricultural Research and Extension. INIA’s mission is to establish the basic objectives of, and general framework for, agricultural research and technological development in Peru. It generates knowledge and technology and ensures transfer to rural populations around the country in four main domains namely, crops and cropping systems, animal production, forestry and genetic resources. In addition, INIA promotes the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Its operations are decentralized through 13 regional experimental stations located throughout Peru. Technology produced by INIA is available and accessible to agricultural producers in the domestic market and it envisions that in the future it will be in the international market, competing with other agents generating innovation and modernization of agriculture. INIA has a long history of partnerships and implementation of bilateral and
multilateral projects in Peru. INIA would facilitate and guide the implementation of the REDD ALERT project in Peru. INIA would constitute a team of Peru’s top scientists to work on the REDD ALERT project.

Within REDD-ALERT, INIA will contribute cross-cutting agricultural systems expertise with particular focus on the socio-economic drivers of forest conversion and analysis of changes in carbon stocks in Peru. They will also assist with eliciting stakeholder views of international climate policy options and testing the negotiation support tools.

Visit the INIA website.