Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through Alternative Landuses in Rainforests of the Tropics

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai


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Further information


Papers presented during:

Third Annual Project meeting in Vietnam (September 2011)

  1. Overview of project by Robin Matthews. [pdf ]
  2. Overview of REDD Vietnam by V T Phuong, Patrick Meyfroidt and Hoang Viet Anh. [pdf ]
  3. Indonesia country overview (preparedness for REDD+ in Indonesia) by Fahmuddin, Meine van Noordwijk and Herry Purnomo. [pdf ]
  4. Cameroon overview (REDD+ in Cameroon) by Valentina Robiglio, Patrick Meyfroidt and Martin Tchiokoua. [pdf ]
  5. Peru overview by Glenn Hyman and Eloy Cuillar. [pdf ]
  6. A framework to design and assess REDD+ policy by George Dyer and Robin Matthews. [pdf ]
  7. Comparative analysis of case studies by Onno Kuik. [pdf ]
  8. Agricultural intensification and deforestation in Cameroon by Innocent Bakam. [pdf ]
  9. Actor analysis and agent based modelling in Jambi by Herry Purnomo. [pdf ]
  10. Globalization, landuse changes and forest transitions by Patrick Meyfroidt and Valentina Robiglio. [pdf ]
  11. Integration with NAMAs by Meine van Noordwijk and Peter Minang. [pdf ]
  12. A dynamic general equilibrium analysis by Onno Kuik. [pdf ]
  13. Effect of landuse change on soil organic carbon: a pan-tropic study by Oliver van Straaten, Katrin Wolf and Edzo Veldkamp. [pdf ]
  14. Estimating ecosystem carbon stocks under different land-use and land-use changes at tropical forest margins by Shibu Muhammed. [pdf ]
  15. Effect of landuse change on greenhouse gases in Jambi, Sumatra by Fitri Aini. [pdf ]
  16. CO2 emission under different land use and management systems on peatland by Fahmuddin Agus, Edi Husen, Husnain, Setiari Marwanto, Ai Dariah, Maswar and IGP Wigena. [pdf ]
  17. Methods for assessing C loss from land-use change by Kristell Hergoualc'h. [pdf ]
  18. Soil respiration partitioning and peat C dynamic modelling by Jenny Farmer. [pdf ]
  19. Effects of fire on the organic geochemical fingerprint of tropical peat from the former Mega Rice Project area, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia by Leanne Milner. [pdf ]
  20. C stock changes in peat swamp forest transition by Sebastian Persch and Setiari Marwanto. [pdf ]
  21. Project Management issues by Madhu Subedi. [pdf ]
  22. Special talk: The I-REDD+ project by Ole Mertz. [pdf ]

Peat modelling workshop in Aberdeen (August-September 2011)

  1. Use of satellite earth observation to assess the extent and severity of erosion in the upland organic soils of Scotland by Steve Keyworth [ppt ]
  2. Using stable isotopes in peaty soils: some of the challenges by Jenny Farmer and Andy Midwood [ppt ]
  3. Using the ECOSSE model to simulate the impacts of land use and climate change on GHG emissions from tropical peats by Jo Smith, Jenny Farmer and Jodie Harthill [ppt ]
  4. Effects of fire on the organic geochemistry of tropical peatlands by Leanne Milner [ppt ]
  5. Measurement of root inputs: Allt a’ Mharcaidh, Invercauld and Indonesia by Lorna Dawson, Sebastian Persch, Rachel Helliwell, AndreaBritton, Jasmine Ross and Ruth Mitchell [ppt ]
  6. A scoping tool for the prioritisation of restoration needs of blanket bogs in Scotland by Rebekka Artz, David Donnelly, Steve Chapman, Sarah Dunn, Matt Aitkenhead, Alessandro Gimona, Jack Lennon, Pete Smith, Jo Smith, Bedru Balana, Roxane Andersen and Robin Matthews  [ppt ]
  7. MERES: Extending the CERES-Rice model to simulate methane emissions from rice fields by R B Matthews, R Wassmann, J W Knox and J Arah [ppt ]
  8. REDD-ALERT: linking global climate arrangements to local land-use behaviour by Robin Matthews [ppt ]
  9. Modelling water level, sphagnum growth and peat accumulation in northern peatlands by Shibu Muhammed [ppt ]
  10. Mapping peatlands, peatland carbon and climate change impacts by Steve Chapman  [ppt ]
  11. Understanding the role of tropical peatlands in the global carbon cycle and climate change by Sue Page [ppt ]
  12. Links between methanogen and methanotroph in situ transcriptional dynamics and Methane flux in a Blanket Peat Bog by Thomas Freitag, Sylvia Toet, Phil Ineson & James I. Prosser [ppt ]

Annual Project meeting in Peru (October 2010)

INIA- an overview by Mr J. Alcantara INIA: an Overview 
Coordinator’s report by Dr Robin Matthews REDD-ALERT: and Overview 
WP 1 report by Dr P. Meyfroidt Progress Report  Plan for future 
WP 2 report by Dr Meine Van Noordwijk Progress Report  Plan for future 
WP 3 report by Prof. Edzo Veldkamp Progress Report  Plan for future 
WP 4 report by Ms Constanze Haug Progress Report  Plan for future 
WP 5 report by Dr Robin Matthews Progress Report  Plan for future 
WP 6 report by Dr Meine Van Noordwijk Progress Report  Plan for future  
WP 7 report by Dr M. Subedi Management Report 

Project Management Team meeting in Amsterdam (June 2010)

  1. Co-funding building blocks Globally by M. Van Noordwijk (WP2). [ppt ]
  2. ICRAF contribution by P. Minang (WP2). [ppt ]
  3. Progress Report by E. Veldkamp (WP3). [ppt ]
  4. REDD-ALERT: Governance Package 1 by J. Gupta (WP4). [ppt ]
  5. REDD-ALERT: Governance Package 2 by J. Gupta (WP4). [ppt ]

Workplan development meeting in Aberdeen (March 2010)

  1. Overview of REDD-ALERT Project by R. matthews. [ppt ]
  2. Forest governance package by J. Gupta. [ppt ]
  3. Q-methodology by M. Nijnik. [ppt ]
  4. Forest policy options by O. Quik. [ppt ]
  5. Case studies in Cameroon by I. Bakam. [ppt ]

COP 15 in Copenhagen (Dec 2009)

  1. Eric Lambin (2009). Planetary boundaries: Implications for forest transitions and sustainable land use. Paper presented during COP-15 EU session: “Deforestation, Forest Conservation and the Climate Change Challenge”, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 Dec 2009. [pdf ]
  2. Meine van Noordwijk, Sonya Dewi and Peter Minang (2009). Opportunity costs of carbon emissions from land use change: need to broaden scope of REDD. Paper presented during COP-15 EU session: “Deforestation, Forest Conservation and the Climate Change Challenge”, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 Dec 2009. [pdf ]
  3. Robin Matthews (2009). REDD-ALERT: linking global climate arrangements to local land-use behaviour. Paper presented during COP-15 EU session: “Deforestation, Forest Conservation and the Climate Change Challenge”, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 Dec 2009. [pdf ]